James Pascaleff

Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics
University of Illinois
⌘ | Pennsylvania House, Room 306 (more info) |
☏ | +1 217 244 7277 |
✉ | jpascale@illinois.edu |
I am a mathematician working on symplectic topology and mirror symmetry.
I teach a variety of courses across all levels of the undergraduate and graduate curriculum, and I am currently advising two Ph.D. students.
Within the Department of Mathematics, I am the chair of the Undergraduate Affairs Committee, the faculty liaison for the MDAB Student Success Committee, and a teaching mentor for junior faculty.
You can see my full CV here.
Current teaching
- Spring 2025: Math 525 Algebraic Topology I, MWF 10:00–10:50am.
- Spring 2025: Math 417 Introduction to Abstract Algebra, Section D13/D14, MWF 11:00–11:50am.
- All previous courses and seminars
Selected past teaching
Graduate topics courses
- Fall 2022: Fukaya Categories of Surfaces
- Spring 2018: Homological Mirror Symmetry
- Spring 2014: Lagrangian Floer Homology
Other courses
- October 2020: Minicourse “Introduction to Fukaya Categories” at the Hausdorff Institute
- Summer 2019: Young Scholars Program (University of Chicago)
- My arXiv and google scholar pages.
Research articles
- Higher local systems, n-affineness and Koszul duality,
with Emanuele Pavia and Nicolò Sibilla, arxiv:2501.10241. - Remarks on the equivalence between differential graded categories and A-infinity categories,
Homology, Homotopy and Applications, vol. 26(1), 2024, pp. 275–285. (arXiv:2211.05861) - Singularity categories of normal crossings surfaces, descent, and mirror symmetry,
with Nicolò Sibilla, arXiv:2208.03896. - Fukaya categories of higher-genus surfaces and pants decompositions,
with Nicolò Sibilla, arXiv:2103.03366. - Poisson geometry, monoidal Fukaya categories, and commutative Floer cohomology rings,
Enseign. Math. 70 (2024), no. 3/4, pp. 313–381. (arXiv:1803.07676, local copy) - The wall-crossing formula and Lagrangian mutations,
with Dmitry Tonkonog, Adv. Math. Volume 361, 12 February 2020, 106850. (arXiv:1711.03209) - Topological Fukaya category and mirror symmetry for punctured surfaces,
with Nicolò Sibilla, Compositio Math. Volume 155, Issue 3 (2019), pp. 599–644. (arXiv:1604.06448) - Floer cohomology of g-equivariant Lagrangian branes,
with Yankı Lekili, Compositio Math. Volume 152, Issue 05 (2016), pp. 1071–1110. (arXiv:1310.8609) - On the symplectic cohomology of log Calabi–Yau surfaces,
Geom. Topol. Volume 23, Issue 6 (2019), pp. 2701–2792. (arXiv:1304.5298) - Floer cohomology in the mirror of the projective plane and a binodal cubic curve,
Duke Math. J. Volume 163, Number 13 (2014), pp. 2427–2516. (arXiv:1109.3255, or thesis version)
Expository notes
- 2020–Present: Associate Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- 2014–2020: Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- 2011–2014: Postdoctoral Fellow, Geometry and Topology RTG, University of Texas at Austin.
- 2006–2011: Graduate Student, MIT (PhD 2011, advisor: Denis Auroux).
- 2002–2006: Undergraduate, University of Chicago (AB 2006).